The Start: Humble Beginning
Perfect Five Food started with a humble beginning in 1997.
Over the last 20 years, Perfect Five produces a wide range of mouth-watering traditional food products to cater to food lovers island-wide. We remember how Grandma used to cook for us so we bring this authentic traditional taste to our consumers who will taste nothing but the best food products because we insist on producing only handmade products with no preservatives or food additives added.
Perfect Five aims to be the most convenient online store where you can get your traditional handmade food to cater to various needs. We also aim to keep you well-informed about our product information and pricing.
As a HACCP and ISO22000 certified company, our consumers can be rest assured that our processing and packing operations comply with ISO standards as we truly understand the importance of providing you with the best food quality.
Just like how Grandma loved to cook for everyone in our family, we love to bring our food to everyone too. We cater to not just individual food lovers and also restaurants, retailers and wholesalers.
Taste the feeling of nostalgia and comfort as you dig into our Grandma’s favourite recipes.
Share it with your loved ones and revel in the joy of family as we have over the years.